Life Goals
I've always had a list of dreams I want to achieve, works of unparalleled art and beauty that I want to create, and things I want to accomplish before I bite it. Sometimes these goals are aligned with my career goals, sometimes they are orthogonal. I've decided to make this list public, as a sort of accountability on my part. I will edit this list as I complete goals or add to it. Without further ado:
Life Goals
- Get a bachelors degree. STATUS: Completed
- Publish a math paper. STATUS: Completed
- Get a PhD. STATUS: Completed
- Get a job. STATUS: I'm working on it
- Write a game for every Sega console. STATUS: Learning Z80 assembly, a prerequisite for the SG-1000, Master System, and Genesis
- Beat Ecco the Dolphin. STATUS: The game is hard, ok, and I don't have time to play regularly
- Write a symphony. STATUS: Haven't started